Join the Big Christchurch Bauble Hunt!
Businesses of Christchurch: Help us spread the Magic of Christmas for Save the Children!
This weekend (Saturday 2nd December) marks the annual Small Business Saturday – a national campaign encouraging everyone to support small businesses in their area.
To mark the occasion, with external funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, BCP Council’s Economic Development team is launching ‘Support Local’, a follow up campaign to the previous Shop Local initiative, reminding residents and visitors across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to support local business wherever they can.
Look out for more messages about local support for businesses on BCP Council social media.
Updated pink heart window stickers will be distributed to you by the BID in the near future!
You can download and use the Support Local Pink heart graphic in your own social media posts by visiting: https://mailchi.mp/bcpcouncil/business-news-from-bcp-council-rgqbqvwd93-308864?e=b48b94b1bb
For more information about Small Business Saturday please visit: